Bill Maher has been telling his TV audience that he is “hoping for a recession if it means getting rid of President Trump.” Maher continues his self-centered comments in total disregard of others…..”I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point and by the way”, Mahers continues, “I’m hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please bring on the recession” he added. “Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy””!! Maher has let his audience know exactly how he feels!!
In my opinion Bill Maher is not only wrong on every recession issie, he’s ‘Off the Wall’!!
He would rather see America and all our citizens go into a ‘Maher’s Recession’ losing our booming economy, high employment, very low unemployment (3,8% in June), losing tax reform,
losing reformed Veteran Adm. benefits, losing safe borders to protect America and all Americans, etc.
Bill Maher can rant and rave all he wants calling for a recession of a ‘duly elected President’! There’s a term for what he’s selfishly wishing for with total disregard of fact…..It’s called TREASON!! Be careful what you wish for!!
In spite of Bill Maher….America and all Americans are enjoying President Trump’s successful achievements including a Booming Economy, Very High Employment, Very Low Unemployment (3.8% in June), tax reform,
veteran administration benefits, strong stock market, excellent Supreme Court nominations, Border protection to keep America and all Americans safer, stronger and to make America Great Again!!
Bill Maher only wants President Trump to fail so he can have his ‘Maher Recession’!
Since he’s a multi-millionaire he won’t be affected by a recession although most of the Country would suffer!!
That’s why I call Maher a mean-spirited ‘Loser’!!
I’m confident that his selfish plan will fail and
America will go forward with strength and courage….Strong, Safe and ‘United again’!!