How can ‘Cryin Schumer and Sanctuary City Pelosi clean the swamp when THEY ARE the swamp.
Schumer and Pelosi have been very disrespectful, uncooperative and rude to President Trump since he came into office!
Despite Schumer and Pelosi’s uncooperative behavior America has moved steadily forward with many successful changes including: High employment for all races, very low unemployment (under 4%), Stock Market Gains, increased tax reforms, very improved Veterans Administration for all veterans, Cabinet members working towards a stronger, safer and peaceful future for All Americans and continually striving to secure a more kind and considerate tomorrow for all the countries of the world!!
President Trump has tried in the past to have congenial talks with Schumer, Pelosi and other DemocRats. This has always ended unsuccessfully! It seems any way the polls blow so do the Schumer/Pelosi team!!
In my opinion, the latest Schumer, Pelosi biased revelations are only uncooperative Anti-Trump babble spinning a road of corruption and defeat!!