Joy Behar’s latest view???

Latest Flash!!

“No Joy’ Behar” has new exclusive details to share with America!…

She now believes that “Conservatives Have a Penchant for Nazis”!!

“No Joy Behar” is starting to outdo her own nonsense and lack of clarity!!

‘No Joy Behar’…recently tried to ridicule Mike Pence, the terrific V.P. of the U.S., calling his Christianity crazy and Religious practices “Mental Illness” …

Previously, she got blasted for her anti-Christian rhetoric which she did not agree with!!

Now, ‘No Joy’ is concerned with CPAC, the “Conservative Political Action Committee”, which she associates with Nazis.! As long as ‘No Joy’ and the leftists persist with such extremely baseless and evil characterizations of Conservative views they will ostracize most Americans!

I realize the Democrats are desperate! They chant fake news and are losing their side of ideological disputes. They have ‘no agenda’…just anti-Trump nonsense seen by Schumer and Pelosi at the recent State of the Union address!

President Trump has been doing an amazing job in his first year presidency, including: a growing economy, high employment for all races, very low unemployment, tax reform, great addition of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, working on a Southern border to control illegal immigration, improving veterans care, etc.

President Trump is still trying to “Clean the Swamp” and “Make America Great Again” and find solution for DACA and Immigration reform.

Meanwhile the Democrats are desperate…. They chant fake news and their only agenda is Anti-Trump blabble! Example: Maxine Waters and her favorite chant to anyone who’ll listen:
“Impeach Him Now”!!

How sad that in our wonderful Country there are many “No Joy Behars” and Maxine “Impeach Him” Waters.

In my opinion… ‘No-Joy Behars’ latest news that “Conservatives Have a Penchant for Nazis” is a sick, biased untruth and a disgraceful, disgusting and leftist comment!!

The Conservatives and the American voters can handle the Future!!

Thanks, No-Joy…You’ve done more than Enough already!!!

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