Whoopi Goldberg came on the View last Thursday with her latest suggestion: “She would like President Donald Trump and former V.P. Dick Cheney to try ‘Waterboarding’ since President Trump and Dick Cheney have never waterboarded”! ..I don’t think Ms. Whoopi realizes that ‘Waterboarding’ is a torture punishment reserved by the Military for evil terrorists of the United States and not an exercise for freedom loving and loyal Americans citizens.
Meanwhile, President Trump gets tortured every day on ‘Fake News’, MSNBC, CNN, DemocRATS including ‘cryin’ Schumer and ‘sanctuary cities ‘crumbs’ Pelosi!!
And anyone who watches and listens to the View knows full well after a few seconds what torture is after hearing No-Joy and Whoopie babble!!
America is now in the process of making great strides in our Country, being respected and joining with other nations to create a future of unity and peace in the world instead of the disunity, hate and confusion of the past!
Only through strength, courage and hard work can we achieve our positive goals!!
I Believe we will Succeed, Goodness will outweigh Evil and our Country will be Strong, Safe, and Great Again!!!
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