Trump, Schumer, Brett Kavanaugh

The totally Anti-Trump Chuck Schumer said he vows to oppose President Trump’s selection of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court with “everything I’ve got”!! On this same issue regarding the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Taylor Foy, a spokesman for Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, made the following remark: “The Democrats are trying to “smear” Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh”! Taylor Foy continued: “After Schumer ‘s bizarre and inaccurate fearmongering and deception that democrat leaders are deploying to ‘smear’ a well-qualfied nominee to the Supreme Court and to obstruct the vetting process”!! He added that “None of this changes

Candace Owens…. Tim Ryan

Nancy Pelosi refers to Tim Ryan, a Democratic party leader, as ‘Inconsequential’!! Mr. Ryan is considering running for Congress in the November 2018 midterm election!! Here are some other of Nancy Pelosi’s recent political highlights and comments 1) She advocates Sanctuary Cities. 2) She advocates Open Borders. 3) She advocates abolishing I.C.E.- the agents who keep American citizens safe from illegal and criminal activities. 4) She believes proposed tax reform is ‘Crumbs’. 5) She believes a letter from Pelosi and Schumer supporting Maxine Waters ‘uncivil’ and ‘unAmerican’ actions against Trump Cabinet members and Officials to illegally keep them out of

Candace Owens and ‘Turning Point USA’

Candace Owens serves as Communications Director for “Turning Point USA”. “Turning Point USA” will be launching a “Major Project’ in the next few weeks to help foster a “great awakening” among urban voters about the true record of conservatism! Thursday, July 5th, Candace Owens said that Maxine Waters, D-Cal, was “patently wrong” to call for harassment of President Trump’s Cabinet members and political officials. Ms. Owens predicted a “Major Black Exit” from the Democratic Party in the 2020 election! Last month during a political rally in Los Angeles Maxine Waters said: “Let’s make sure we show up, wherever we have

Maxine Waters and Civil vs Uncivil

President Trump rightfully blasted Maxine Waters (D-Ca) on Monday after she went on MSNBC this weekend declaring her ‘war on Republicans’! She told her supporters at one of her ‘hate’ rally’s to verbally assault and harass Republicans wherever you find them. She called her Rally ‘Civil’….I disagree!! In my opinion, this was a vicious, uncivil hate rally ….and I quote Ms Waters speech to explain: “If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Already you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants, who have protesters taking up at their house, who say

Melania Trump called Secret Service

First Lady Melania Trump called Secret Service Tuesday after a vile lunatic by the name of Peter Fonda “threatened to rip Melania’s son, 12 year old Barron Trump, from his mother’s arms. I can’t even repeat the vulgarity of his tweet re: Melania’s son!! This deplorable, contemptable character Peter Fonda then placed a few more tweets, each tweet evil and lacking normalcy … He tweeted Homeland Security Sec’y Kristjen Nielsen who he said “should be put in a cage and poked at by passerby”! He tweeted Press Sec’y Sarah Huckabee Sanders commenting “that her children should be ripped from her

The 2018 Tony Awards

Tuesday evening the 2018 Tony Awards was held at the Radio City Music Hall to celebrate the best of B’way entertainment! One of the speakers was Robert DeNiro…..He came onstage and this is what DeNiro had to say to the packed audience. (Quote) First, I wanna say F..K Trump….It’s no longer down with Trump, it’s F..k Trump!! The crowd at the Tony Awards presentation dressed in their finery stood up cheering this vulgar demonstration of disrespect!! After Robert DeNiro unleashed his filthy language, Donald Trump,flying home from Singapore, had this to say….. Quote:: ” Robert DeNiro, a very low IQ

Bill Maher’s hope for a “Recession” in America!

Bill Maher just told his TV audience that he wants a Recession” in America ’cause he doesn’t like President Donald J. Trump!! This is Bill Maher’s Quote: “I feel like the bottom had to fall out at some point and by the way, I’m hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a trashing. economy…..So, please bring on the recession, he added”! (unquote) Sounds like Bill Maher would rather see America go into ‘recession’ than to see President Donald Trump succeed!! There’s a word for that….It’s called ‘Treason’!! It’s the crime of helping your Country’s enemies

Liberal Lunacy

Three female commentators have recently come forward dumping disgraceful ‘junk messages’! 1) First we had Kathy Griffin holding her sickening Anti-Trump bloody mask. Thankfully, Ms Griffin and her mask finally disappeared.! Now, Kathy Griffin is back again. This time with rude and obnoxious comments to Press Sec’y Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sarah H. Sanders faces mean spirited, unpleasant individuals every day in her position as Press Sec’y. Thankfully, she’s highly intelligent with a strong moral foundation and she’s very capable of handling difficult situations and unpleasant people!! 2) At the White House Correspondents dinner, a few months ago, the speaker was

Schumer/Pelosi cleaning the swamp??

How can ‘Cryin Schumer and Sanctuary City Pelosi clean the swamp when THEY ARE the swamp. Schumer and Pelosi have been very disrespectful, uncooperative and rude to President Trump since he came into office!  Despite Schumer and Pelosi’s uncooperative behavior America has moved steadily forward with many successful changes including: High employment for all races, very low unemployment (under 4%), Stock Market Gains, increased tax reforms, very improved Veterans Administration for all veterans, Cabinet members working towards a stronger, safer and peaceful future for All Americans and continually striving to secure a more kind and considerate tomorrow for all the

Mad Max Waters does it again!

Maxine Waters..Who I call “Mad Max” for short is a prejudiced Racist. She is intolerant of everything President Trump has accomplished, or said. She uses the term “Impeach Him” whenever she is visible! Her personal Racist views on all issues are disgraceful, harmful and destructive to our great Country. President Trump has been working very successfully since taking office! He has increased employment for All Races, downsized unemployment for All Races, brought about tax reforms for All Races, upgraded veterans administration conditions for All Races, hired excellent cabinet members to work for All Races!! He has tried every way to