Jemele Hill… Over the Top!!

A few days ago Jemele Hill, an employee at ESPN sports channel, made some very vicious, abusive, disrespectful and untrue remarks with regard to President Donald Trump! According to Jemele Hill, President Donald Trump is “a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself with other white supremacists.” This remark is absolutely untrue and she offers no facts to back up her remarks. She went on by saying: “President Trump is the most offensive President of her lifetime and he’s alsolutely a Bigot.” Wow! she’s on a real hate roll now! As if that’s not enough, she continues, saying that “President


In 2012, when former President Obama couldn’t get approval for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) as a law, he went ahead and issued the program as an Executive Order which allowed about 800,000 children to stay in America! However, this was not a permanent decision. Now DACA is being challenged, claiming the program is not a law and therefore illegal. DACA is now on hold for six months in it’s original form and, in my opinion, must be made into a Law ASAP! These children grew up in America with American values and now as young adults are working

MSM and First Lady Melania Trump’s Shoes!!

News Flash!!! The “Whining” MSM are consumed with their latest headline of the day…… “First Lady Melania Trump wore high heels on the plane to Texas!!” I don’t think the “whining” MSM added that in Texas Melania changed into her sneakers and walked with President Trump to view the devastation first hand and show solidarity with the people of Texas!! In the ridiculous world of MSM their “news flash” detailing shoes was very important!! In the Real World Americans were focused on watching and praying for relief from the devastation, floods and disasters that Hurricane Harvey was creating: Texans were

Wake Up America!!

In Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12th America witnessed hatred, violence, and deplorable acts of bigotry when groups of protesters and counter protesters including white supremecists, neo-nazis, kkk members, clashed – causing intense fighting and tragic results. 19 people were injured, one young woman Heather Hyer, was killed in the disaster, statues of General Robert E.Lee were thrown down!! What’s next? Who makes the choice and decisions to change and destroy American values and American History?? After the day of the attack in Charlottesville, President Trump made a speech condemning both sides responsible for the destruction and violence, saying “there is

Charlottesville, Va. …. Saturday, Aug.11th

On Saturday, Aug. 11th, at a rally in Charlottesville, VA. white supremacists, kkk members,neo-nazis and klu klux klan members clashed with counterprotesters about taking down statues of confederate General Robert E. Lee that were in Charlottesville, Va. parks. The protest got out of hand and became violent fighting between the protesters and anti-protesters. Bottles and other objects were thrown and it became an unlawful mess. A car, driven by a 20 yr. old suspected nazi sympathizer ran over a 32 yr. old young lady who was visiting the park with her family and was killed in the incident. The driver

Aug. 9th State Dept. Press Briefing

On Aug. 9th, I watched the State Dept. Press Briefing. Heather Nauert was the Spokesperson from the State Dept. She was very effective in explaining the North Korean severe missile crisis and President Trump’s strong message to North Korea regarding the situation. Ms. Nauert explained to the reporters at the press briefing that General James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the State Dept. were all aware of President Trump’s strong message to North Korea and in total agreement with President Trump on the necessity of getting ‘tough’ with the enemy. “The only response this enemy understands.” However, the journalists

California’s Representative on the 43rd district is busy working to Impeach President Donald J. Trump!

I have been hearing that Democratic Representative Maxine Waters is working to Impeach President Donald J. Trump! What is her platform: 1) The stock market since President Trump took office is at an all time high! Does Ms. Waters not approve?? 2) Thanks to President Trump the job market is very high… many more people are back to work. Is this one of her reasons for impeachment?? 3) The monthly unemployment figure is very low…about 4% I would hope, Ms. Waters, you would find that another plus?? 4) President Trump has added an excellent new member to the Supreme Court

Ms. JK Rowling….. Stick with “Harry Potter” Fiction!! No Politics… PLEASE!!

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter fiction series, has wrongfully accused President Donald Trump of avoiding greeting and shaking the hand of a 3 year old wheelchair-bound little boy……even though the unedited video clearly shows President Trump greeting the little boy July 24th onstage before starting his “victims of Obamacare” press conference. Piers Morgan, the British Journalist and host of “Good Morning Britain” labeled Ms. Rowling as a disgraceful liar!! Meanwhile an Edited fake video clip shared to Twitter show President Trump overlooking and not acknowledging the little boy in the wheelchair! totally FALSE!! Even with the unedited video


I am OUTRAGED at the disgusting garbage a writer from “The Daily Beast” wrote referring  to President Donald Trump’s Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as a “Butch Queen.”  Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a lovely, very bright young woman,a wife, a mother and the well brought up daughter to Gov and Mrs. Mike Huckabee. What does it take to make someone so mean-spirited, creating disgusting untruths and low level insults just to get their name in print?? I read that this garbage came from “The Daily Beast”…. A very  appropriate name for this fake news trash! I almost feel sorry for

Feeling Very Positive!!

I’m feeling very positive about Anthony Scaramucci’s new position as WH Communications Director. I believe Mr. Scaramucci will separate truth and facts from untruths, fake news and rumors surrounding President Trump, his administration, his family, and his agenda. Anthony Scaramucci is a fighter for facts and truth and will be a great asset to President Trump in separating fact from fiction and finding out the truth in situations and fraudulent statements. Mr. Scaramucci was instrumental in bringing out the truth about a CNN fake news story and as a result of that investigation 3 CNN employees were fired. Great Work!!